The dashboard

Learn more about the Nearest! dashboard and its features

The Nearest! dashboard is the place to manage all components of the Nearest! location management platform and it's located at

If you want to have a look at our awesome platform please sign up a free account or login if you already have one.


In the locator section of the Nearest! dashboard you can edit the global locator configuration and you find information about your current plan and usage.

Contents & texts

Find and edit all textual settings of a Nearest! locator in the Contents & text section and easily add new keywords, descriptions or other static informations.

pageContents & Texts


Edit locator name or keywords with their translations in this section.


Find all meta data like title or descriptions and all the translations.


Add custom contents with dynamic data into the static area of your locator.

Edit all legal information like imprint or copyright notices.

Plan & Usage

Control your subscription and get insights about your locator usage. This is also the place to cancel your plan.


Choose your plan and start your free tiral. Add coupon codes or edit your current subscription settings.


Get insights of your current usage and see a forecast for the next billing period.


Cancel your plan or trial.

Delete locator

If you want to delete your locator and / or cancel your subscription just go to Locator > delete locator and click the delete button. If available your subscription will be cancelled immediately. If you want to cancel your subscription only without deleting all your data got to Locator > Plan & usage > Cancel.


Overview & edit

In this section you'll find all your locations from all your sources or added manually and you can edit that data or delete locations.

pageEditing & removing

Locations overview

Find a list of all your locations and search for a specific location by typing in an address.

Edit location

Here you can edit all elements of your location. But be aware: if you have

Add manually

Want to add some locations manually? In this section you can easily add new locations to your locator.

pageAdding locations

Elements & filter

You can manage all your location elements and filter settings in this section. You will return to this section to add translations for your elements labels or values or change icons and behavior of filter or elements.

pageElements & Filter

Import & Sync

This is the most important section of the Nearest! dashboard where you can manage all your imports and data synchronizations.

pageImport & Synchronization

Create import

Start here to create a single bulk import from a static file, a dynamic synchronization from external sources or any import of data into your Nearest! locator.

Import sources

Define and analyze static files, Google Sheets or REST endpoints to get imported into the Nearest! locator.

Element connector

Assign data from your source fields to your location elements. This is the place to connect eternal data with your locations.


Manage scheduled tasks to synchronize your locations with your data.


Synchronization history to get insights about data quality and what happened while the synchronization process. Here your can download information about your duplicates and about locations which couldn't be imported or synchronized.


Add and manage your locator interfaces.



All web-app and iFrame settings are found in this section.


Add your custom domain to be addressed with the locator web-app.


Add your custom Google Analytics UA code to the locator web-app.

User interface

Adjust and customize your web-app user interface, add external CSS files and upload your logo.

Map & icons

Customize the map and its icons, add rules to show filtered map marker.


All favicon and browser manifest Information can be added here.



Generate API keys for the Nearest! API to implement into your app.

Last updated