Bulk upload

Upload your files to bulk import your data

You will learn how to bulk import your data from uploaded file.

Instead of uploading your file it is recommended to import your data to Google Docs and use it as your data source. Changes can easily made in that doc without re-uploading data.


You can import locations from XML, XSLX, JSON or CSV files to the Nearest! platform. All data should be UTF-8 encoded. Internally, all data is converted to JSON and the JSON dot notation is used to address fields.


Excel or XLSX files should have a header line which describe the field contents. If header line is missing, you will loose the first data row and a successful import cannot be guaranteed. Only the first table of your file will be imported. Internally, all data is converted to JSON and the JSON dot notation is used to address fields.


CSV files should have a header line which describe the field contents. If header line is missing, you will loose the first data row and a successful import cannot be guaranteed. Internally, all data is converted to JSON and the JSON dot notation is used to address fields.


There are no special requirements for XML. Internally, all data is converted to JSON and the JSON dot notation is used to address fields.


There are no special requirements for JSON.

Formatting your data

To learn more about formatting the data (i.e. addresses, opening hours, select values ...) please check out the Data types section.

Importing files

To start bulk importing from a static file go to Import & sync and Create import. In Import sources select upload as your import type. Then drag/drop your file to the upload area or click and navigate to your file.


After clicking Analyze we will analyze your file and try to find your locations and the correct data type. After clicking Save you'll need to connect the found fields to your location elements.

pageElement connector

Last updated