Analytics dashboards

Templates for dashboards that give you a quick overview of your locator and allow you to make meaningful evaluations.

Google Analytics offers you many possibilities for evaluating your locator. To help you stay on top of things, we've created dashboards that summarize the key analytical elements and can be easily imported into the Customisation/Dashboards - section of your Google Analytics account via the Google Analytics Solution Gallery. Sorted by subject areas they cover the most important issues.

Just search for Nearest! in the Solution Gallery and find the two following dashboards.

Nearest! user report

  • how many users by day and month

  • from where did they come (country, region, city)

  • what they searched by region and address

  • from which source or medium did they come

  • witch device they used

Nearest! conversion report

  • which Call to Action were used how often by day and month

  • number of user who got geolocated as a number of users with a intention to go to the nearest location

  • number of user who opened the GoogleMaps Direction Link as a number of users with a strong intention to go to the nearest location

In case you use the same Analytics code for your website and the locator you have to add a filter to get displayed only locator traffic. Just edit every single widget and and add a filter that include your locator(sub)domain. Select: “show only”, dimension=hostname, “include”, and fill: your locator(sub)domain.


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