Advance information

A Nearest! Locator has a hierarchical structure of subpages depending on where the locations are. This structure can be directed by the following conditions.

A Nearest! Locator consist of a homepage, pages of all locations and a lot of hierarchically region pages related to the locations. This hierarchy is addressable with conditions. For example, the right text panel, the meta title and the meta description becomes individually customizable. With dynamic single variables and modifiable text block variables you can change contents of the homepage, location page and 3 types of region pages

homepage Example url: Example meta title: KEYWORD Near Me | LOCATOR NAME

1st level region subpage - world Example url: Example meta title: Find KEYWORDS worldwide | LOCATOR NAME

2nd level region subpage - countries Example url: Example meta title: KEYWORDS in Germany | LOCATOR NAME

3nd level region subpage - states / regions / cities / districts Example url: Example meta title: 41KEYWORDS in Bavaria | LOCATOR NAME

Region page of the smallest available area / urban unit Example url: Example meta title: 41KEYWORDS in Kreuzberg, Berlin

Location page Example url: NAME/etjB9iQh82hakzTzB Example meta title: LOCATION NAME street address, city

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